Sponsorship Racer Program

Little Ripperz is excited to launch our first official sponsorship program for young racers across Australia!

We’re proud of our incredible team of racers representing Little Ripperz and are excited to expand our roster.

Our program offers custom jersey prints, discounted products, and exclusive first access to our latest gear.

Please send the following details via email to us by the 30th of January:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Race plans for the current year
  • Why you like Little Ripperz
  • List of Motorcycles you currently race

Commitments: Display our logos on your motorcycle and jersey, represent us on and off the track, tag us on social media, and rock our gear with pride!

Email: little.rippers@hotmail.com with the subject line 'SPONSOR RACER' or via this link: https://littleripperz.com/pages/contact-us


  • You must be racing the following MX bikes: Peewee, 50cc, 65cc, 85cc or 125cc or BMX racing
  • You must be Racing in Australia 
  • You must be following us on Social media

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions!

Rach - Little RIpperz

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